Accessibility Virtual Tour

A virtual tour to present to guests showing the Beacon Arts Centre extensive accessibility features and facilities. Used as an aid to familiarise patrons with facilities prior to arrival at the venue, including seating, lift and stair access, parking, catering, and more.

Backstage Technical Tour

For the benefit of visiting technical teams and production companies this is a detailed virtual tour of backstage areas of the venue. From the loading bay all the way up to the lighting grid and fly room it is a complete technical breakdown of the venue.

View from my seat

Specific views from accessible seating areas and the general seating areas

Tech Backstage Pass

For technical teams and productions, a behind the scenes technical tour of the venue


Highlights accessible features and facilities for all customers visiting the venue

Incredible Visuals

Incredible high resolution imaging showing the venue at its absolute best

Commercial Hires

Showcase of venue spaces available to hire to maximise your commercial opportunities

Custom Experience

Designed to give an engaging and unique virtual experience for specific audience groups

Tour Editor CMS

Update and edit your own virtual tour as often as you need. Change almost any aspect of your tour with ease

Virtual tours of other performance venues